[English below] Karibuni na Shikamoni!

Je, mnakumbuka tulianza juu ya haya mawe? Elimu Yetu ilianza kama ndoto ya jamii. Wazazi na wajirani wa Kijenge mmetengeneza zawadi muhimu sana wa watoto wenu. Takribani miaka mitano iliyopita Shule Yetu ilianza kama mbegu mdogo sana, na sasa tumekua kama mti. Kama Biblia inasema “punje ya baobaoni ndogo; lakini ikiisha kumea, huwa kubwa kuliko miti yote.”
Tumeona mabadiliko makubwa kwetu. Sasa mbegu lilikuwa mti. Wafadhili walisaidia kwa kupanda mbegu, lakini nyinyi walimu na wazazi mmewalima watoto kama bustani. Hii jamii ni ardhi yenye rutuba, na mmehifadhi michi yote bustani kwetu. Baada ya miaka, tutaona matunda ya bustani ya Elimu Yetu, yani watu wazima wenye kujitambua na kujiamini, na ubunifu na upendo wa elimu na jamii yao. Kwenye maisha kuna aina mbili ya watu: wanaouliza mara kwa mara, “Kwa nini mimi?” na wengine wanaofikiri, “kwa nini hapana?” Na vilevile wakafikiri “Kama Mimi nisipofanya, nani atawafundisha hawa watoto?” Tukitaka elimu, lazima tujifanye weyewe, na msaada ya watu wote wa jamii.
Jamii huamini Elimu Yetu kwa sababu tunajua hakuna mtu mwgine ambayo atafanya badala Yetu. Tunajua katika duniani, hakuna Mwalimu mmoja, hakuna mzungu moja, hakuna padre au Imam au mwanasiasa mmoja ambaye anaweza kutujengea jamii yetu au kulea watoto wetu badala yetu. Wengine hawawezi kuwapenda watoto wako kama wewe. Wengine hawawezi kuwakuzia malezi ya msingi ya watoto wetu kama jamii yetu. Hii ni sababu sisi tunajivunia sana Elimu Yetu
About Us: A letter for parents. Welcome and greetings!
Hey, do you remember we started on these stones?
Elimu Yetu started at a dream of the community. The parents and neighbors of Kijenge have built such an important gift for their children. About five years ago Shule Yetu started like a tiny seed, and know we have grown like a tree. Like the Bible says, “The baobao seed is small, but when it grows it is the largest of trees.”
We have seen big changes at our organization. Now the seed has become a tree. Donors helped to plant the seed, but the teachers and parents have tended the children every day like gardeners. This community is fertile ground, and you have preserved all of the seeds in our garden. After years, we will see the fruits of the garden of Elimu Yetu, adults with awareness and confidence, creativity and love of education and their community.
In life there are two kinds of people, those who ask time and again “Why me?” and others who think “Why not?” Further, they think “ If I don’t do it, who will teach these children?” If we want education, we must do it ourselves, with the help of everyone in the community.
The community believes in Elimu Yetu because we know that there is no other person who will do it for us. We know in the whole world, there is not one teacher, there is not one foreigner, there is not one priest or Imam or politician who can build our community or raise our children for us. Others cannot love your children like you. Others cannot nurture your children’s formation like your community. This is why we are so proud of Elimu Yetu.
Thank you